Lower Middle Way – An Analysis of Dependence: All Things Depend on Each Other: The Buddhist Teaching of the Wheel of Life
Around 1000 AD, 1500 years after the time of the Buddha, the Tibetans undertook a monumental task: to translate thousands of pages of Buddhist literature from Sanskrit into Tibetan. It took…

Shastra on the Door to Understanding the Hundred Dharmas: Master Vasubandhu’s Treatise on Higher Abhidharma (China, 2014)
Meditations for the rest of your life? Yes, meditation can change your relationships, your career, and your life! How does this happen? Geshe Michael Roach taught this series of short,…

Upper Middle Way – The Great Books of Wisdom Series: Making the ancient classics of Tibetan Buddhist literature accessible to the modern world
Around 1000 AD, 1500 years after the time of the Buddha, the Tibetans undertook a monumental task: to translate thousands of pages of Buddhist literature from Sanskrit into Tibetan. It took…
Give The Gift of Liberation
At The Knowledge Base, our mission is to work tirelessly to provide exceptional content and educational resources that empower your personal practice, making it both profound and far-reaching. Simply put, we aim to equip you with the most meaningful tools to transform your life—and the lives of those around you.…
TKB Custom Search Engine
The following is a Google custom search engine that will be very useful to users of TKB who want to go deeper in their study and practice. This is using Google custom search, so you can use any of Google’s advanced search operators.

ACI In-Depth Course 3: Master Shantideva’s Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, Exchanging Self and Others (2004, New York)
This third course of the ACI In-Depth Course Series presents the entire section on the practice of exchanging ourselves and others, which is a large part of the chapter on meditation (Chapter…
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A Gift of Liberation 11: The Art of Appreciating Yourself & Your Life (2013, Arizona)
Want a good relationship, financial independence and great energy – as well as inner peace, or peace in our world? Then you must learn to master the Art of Appreciating Yourself and Your Life,…

How to do a Daily Practice 03: Guided fixed meditation on the Image of a Teacher or Enlightened Being (1998, New York)
This collection of classes is for the purpose of having a regular daily practice. It’s different than many of the other courses here on The Knowledge Base which are meant to teach the…

The Wisdom of Arya Nagarjuna Course 5: Medicine Buddha & Nagarjuna’s Wisdom (2023, Arizona)
In these classes, we will continue our exploration of Nagarjuna’s Wisdom, the most famous book ever written on Buddhism’s most important idea: emptiness, which clarified and became the basis…

The Yoga of Relationships (Lambertville, 2010)
In these two nights of talks, Geshe Michael proposes a radically different method‘from the point of view of physical yoga practice‘of finding the partner of your dreams, of sustaining a good…