Explore the Teachings of A Gift of Liberation with Interactive Outlines
Dive into the wisdom of A Gift of Liberation with our interactive outlines. Instantly access all the important ideas from this teaching, explore the original Tibetan text, and jump to the exact moment in the video where each topic is explained. Choose your path—English or Tibetan—and deepen your study with just a click.
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We’re excited to introduce an interactive way to engage with A Gift of Liberation, Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand. This project was created to fulfill a dream that Geshe Michael Roach has often shared—the desire to preserve and pass on the teachings of the Lam Rim for future generations. As he expressed:
“My teacher taught me this Lam Rim for over 25 years. I wanted to pass on this transmission. In Tibet, it’s considered important to pass on the blessing that I received from my teacher when he taught me this. So, I would like to pass on these teachings and then I would like you to pass them on to someone else. My dream is that I will teach you this Lam Rim and then you will pass it on to the next generation. I really hope that you will do that.”
To help fulfill this vision, we have created an interactive way to follow these teachings, preserving both the original Tibetan text and the oral transmission from Geshe Michael. He explained the importance of this preservation in his own words:
“I will be going very slowly through the original Tibetan text. To me, it’s the most beautiful thing in the world. I’m following the original Tibetan text because I want that also to be recorded. I was very fortunate that I met the great Lamas from Tibet when they came out. They’re gone now, but I want to pass that on. I want it recorded for people to come in later generations. I think it’s important for later generations.”
With this in mind, we now offer two ways to explore these precious teachings:
- Line-by-Line Tibetan Interactive Outline – This option presents the original Tibetan text line by line, along with images of the corresponding folios. Each line is linked to the teaching video, so when you click on a line, the video will open and start playing from the exact point where Geshe Michael explains that part of the text.
- English Interactive Outline – This option provides a structured breakdown of all the key ideas presented in each class. Every major topic is listed in order, and you can click on any section to instantly open the YouTube video at the exact moment where that topic is being discussed.
This means that whether you’re following the structured outline in English or studying the Tibetan text, you can jump directly to the part of the video where that topic or passage is being taught—making it easy to connect the text, translation, and oral commentary.
This project is a step toward making Geshe Michael’s vision a reality—ensuring that the transmission he received, and so lovingly passed on, will remain in the world for generations to come. Select an option below to continue this journey and help carry the blessings of these teachings forward.
Click to explore
This option presents the original Tibetan text line by line, along with images of the corresponding folios. Each line is linked to the teaching video, so when you click on a line, the video will open and start playing from the exact point where Geshe Michael explains that part of the text.

Click to explore
This option provides a structured breakdown of all the key ideas presented in each class. Every major topic is listed in order, and you can click on any section to instantly open the YouTube video at the exact moment where that topic is being discussed.

Table of Contents
Tibetan Interactive Outline
Class 1
Folio 01A: Meaning of the Title of the Text: "The Essence of Nectar: Profound Advices, Complete and Utterly Unerring, which Thrust into Our Hands a Gift of Liberation— Personal Instructions which Include the Cream of All the High Words of the Buddha Himself; Notes Taken during Teachings which were Based upon the Lama’s Own Experience of the Steps of the Path to Enlightenment, the Cream of All that the Matchless King of the Dharma ever Thought, Deep within His Heart."
Time | Tibetan |
29:34 | LAM GYI RIM PA'I |
30:43 | NYAMS KHRID |
39:13 | KYI ZIN BRIS |
Folio 345A: Skipping to Pabongka Rinpoche’s Teaching on Meditation from the 21st Day
Folio 345B: How Do You Define the Highest and Deepest Form of Meditation?
Folio 346A: Beginning of the 6 Steps to Effectively Learn Meditation
Folio 346B: A Continuation of the Summary of the Conducive Physical Environment for Meditation (5 Parts)
Folio 347A: A Continuation of the Summary of the 6 Conditions You Need to Get Ready Even Before You Even Sit Down to Meditate
Folio 347B: A Continuation of the Summary of the 6 Conditions You Need to Get Ready Even Before You Even Sit Down to Meditate
Folio 348A: A Continuation of the Summary of the 6 Conditions You Need to Get Ready Even Before You Even Sit Down to Meditate
Class 2, Part 1
Folio 348B: Pabongka Rinpoche Stresses the Importance of These Traditional Sources for Anyone Seeking to Deeply Understand and Practice Meditation
Lamrim Chenmo Folio 364B: Je Tsongkapa’s Strong Warning From the Lamrim Chenmo About Not Using Authentic and Proven Instructions on Meditation
Lamrim Chenmo Folio 365A: Continuation of Je Tsongkapa’s Strong Warning From the Lamrim Chenmo About Not Using Authentic and Proven Instructions on Meditation
(Back to Gift of Liberation) Folio 348B: Pabongka Rinpoche Stresses the Importance of These Traditional Sources for Anyone Seeking to Deeply Understand and Practice Meditation
Folio 349A: From Fixing Your Car All the Way Up to the Highest Levels of Spiritual Practice: Learning the 5 Problems and 8 Fixes Are Crucial
Class 2, Part 2
Folio 349B: Continuation of a List Things That Are Cool About Meditation From Master Shantideva
Folio 350A: Worthy Meditation Objects
Folio 350B: 4 Ancient Meditation Objects That Trace Back to Lord Buddha’s Teachings. Geshe Michael Touches Upon the Significance of Reviving Meditation Techniques That Have Not Been Widely Taught for Hundreds of Years
Class 3
Folio 351A: Why Meditation Problem 2 is Called “Forgetting the Instructions” When It Means “Losing the Object of Meditation”, and a Discussion About Its Antidote
Folio 351B: The Most Important Part of the Meditation Instructions: the Difference Between Obvious Dullness (Bying Ba Rags Pa) & Subtle Dullness (Bying Ba Phra Mo)
Folio 352A: Very Crucial Point: the Grave Danger of Mistaking Subtle Dullness as Good Meditation
Folio 352B: The Important Difference Between Agitation (Göpa) and a Wandering Mind
Folio 353A: Interesting and Subtle Points to Understand About Watchfulness (Sheshin)
Class 4
Folio 353B: Continuation of a Discussion About Applying the Appropriate Antidote for the Specific Problem. Different Antidotes for Each 4: Subtle Dullness, Obvious Dullness, Obvious Agitation, & Subtle Agitation
Folio 354A: One of the Most Dangerous Enemies is Someone Who is Mistaken for a Friend Because It’s Hard to See Their Harmful Intentions. Your Mind is Pretending to Be Your Friend When It Goes Into Subtle Dullness. And a Further Discussion About Antidotes for Dullness
Folio 354B: Antidotes for Subtle Agitation and a Story About King Shuddhodana (Lord Buddha’s Father)
Folio 355A: Don’t Let Your Meditation Cushion Become Your Enemy. Stop Your Meditation While You’re Still Having a Good Time. Pabongka Rinpoche Advocates for Short Meditation Sessions in the Beginning. Also, the Purpose of Breath Meditation Originally Was Only as a Drastic Antidote to Agitation in Meditation
Folio 355B: More Advice Advocating for Short Meditation Sessions: This is the Key to Avoiding Negative Meditation Habits. Also, the 5th of the 5 Problems (Taking Action When It is Not Necessary) and Its Antidote
Class 5
Folio 356A: Dangerous Misinterpretations of the 8th Antidote and 5th Meditation Level Have Been Common Throughout History. Also, Practical Steps for Doing Your Meditation Practice Now That You Know the Theory of the Prerequisites, 9 Levels, 5 Problems and 8 Antidotes
Folio 356B: Further Advice for Developing Fixation on the Object and Dealing With Dullness and Agitation, Achieving Single-pointedness of Mind, and Defining “Single-Pointed Meditation.”
Folio 357A: True Mahamudra Meditation Avoids Meditation Problems and Achieves Single-pointedness More Easily. Choose a Meditation Object That’s Naturally Attractive to You. Introduction to the 9 Levels of Meditation.
Folio 357B: The 9 Levels of Meditation
Class 6
Time | Tibetan |
Folio 358A: Continuation of the 9 Levels of Meditation and the Key to Remembering the 9 Levels: if You Know Why Each Level is Different, Then That Defines the Level
Folio 358B: The 9 Levels of Meditation Continued
Folio 359A: Wrapping Up the 9 Levels of Meditation and a Segue Into Day 22. A Bird Needs Two Wings: Using That Perfect Meditation to See Emptiness Directly
Folio 359B: Pabongka Rinpoche Reviews the 6 Powers That Facilitate Progress Through the 9 Levels of Meditation and Provides a Summary of the 4 Modes of Mind
Folio 360A: Level Number 9 is Still Not Enough to See Emptiness Directly. You Need Level 9 Plus Enhancements
Folio 360B: Shingjang and the Difficult and Important Concept of Gnas Ngan Len—Extremely Subtle Seeds and Related Prana for Negative States of Mind
Class 7
Folio 361A: Quotations and Stories From Scripture Highlight the Point That Achieving High Levels of Deep Meditative Concentration Without Being Focused on Understanding Emptiness is Ultimately a Complete Waste of Time
Folio 361B: Avoiding Deadly Meditation Mistakes and Useless Meditation Objects. 4 Examples of High Ideals to Focus Your Meditation Upon Which Will Actually Take You Somewhere Useful
Folio 362A: Beginning of Day 22 of Pabongka Rinpoche’s Teaching: How to Develop Special Insight Into Reality (Vipashyana). Pabongka Rinpoche Says, “Now That You Know How to Meditate Perfectly, I’m Going to Teach You the Essence of Wisdom (Vipashana)"