The Lion’s Dance: A Meditation for the Wheel of Life (2017, Mexico)


This very special meditation practice is called The Dance of the Lion. It was taught by the future Buddha, Maitreya, to Arya Asanga 1,700 years ago. Bodhisattva’s use it after they see emptiness directly to understand more about emptiness and The Wheel of Life.

Reading Materials

The Lion’s Dance Commentary & Meditation Instructions

The Lion’s Dance Commentary & Meditation Instructions

Original Sources Used For Teaching The Lion’s Dance

Original Sources Used For Teaching The Lion’s Dance

Lecture Videos

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Meditation Videos

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La transmisión de audio es de menor calidad para tiempos de carga más rápidos en dispositivos móviles. Al hacer clic en el icono de descarga, podrá descargar una versión de alta resolución.

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Shutting Down the Cycle of Pain: A Secret Teaching on the Wheel of Life (2017, Mexico)

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The Devil Debates an Angel, Part 11: Target Shooting with a Blindfold On (2017, Arizona)