щоб зробити це ще потужнішим інструментом навчання, ми пов’язали кожне зображення з точним часом у відео, де геше Майкл пояснює важливу ідею. Ви можете просто натиснути кожен Idim, і він відкриє відео в точному місці.
Idim 40.1: An offering of the lower half, to prove it can be done
Idim 40.2: Make a prayer to be like Courage, who gave his body to the tiger
Idim 40.3: Croissant meditation
Idim 40.4: Someone to be patient towards
Idim 40.5: More precious than a wish-giving gem
Idim 40.6: Drowning in four rivers
Idim 40.7: Advice from the Offering to Lamas
Idim 40.8: Switching out
Idim 40.9: Giving before taking
Idim 40.10: Using the razor of taking
Idim 40.11: Working through the realms
Idim 40.12: Tonglen on myself
Idim 40.13: Spreading it to all planets
Idim 40.14: Finally, our enemy…
Idim 40.15: Skipping, like the Lion’s Dance
Idim 40.16: Scared is good
Idim 40.17: I will be the rain
Idim 40.18: Safe & warm
Idim 40.19: The definition of delicious
Idim 40.20: A gift of pen thinking
Idim 40.21: Whatever they want
Idim 40.22a: A new mantra for us, all day
Idim 40.22b: Bless me, Lama of Compassion
Idim 40.23: Lung sems jukpa chik
Idim 40.24: Teacher breathing
Idim 40.25: Back to pung sumpa with others nearby
Idim 40.26: The dangers of success
Idim 40.27: The anachronism of germs
Idim 40.28: Tracing back; detective work
Idim 40.28a: A place to work out our bad karma
Idim 40.29: Happy I succeeded
Idim 40.30: An inspiration rather than an obstacle
Idim 40.31: Wake up call from Muara Jambi
Idim 40.32: Protest movement by emptiness
Idim 40.33: Disasters are your friend
Idim 40.34: Careful on the narrow way
Idim 40.35: A great fixer for pride
Idim 40.36: credit card troubles
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