In these two nights of talks, Geshe Michael proposes a radically different method‘from the point of view of physical yoga practice‘of finding the partner of your dreams, of sustaining a good relationship with them over a long period of time, and eventually using that relationship as a way to help the entire world.
Lady Niguma is a woman yogi from India who lived a thousand years ago. She taught a special kind of yoga which removes the stress and trouble of modern working life at the same time that it keeps us young and fit.
Geshe Michael gave this talk in New York City offering some practical advice on raising children. While this talk is obviously geared towards parents, this beautiful advice is relevant to anyone trying to be a better person and live a more meaningful life.
If any person does yoga on a modest, daily basis, then they will inevitably attain the extraordinary benefits of yoga. And so the question for us, as teachers, is simply getting students coming back to the studio. About sixteen centuries ago, the Indian sage Master Asanga—in his book called The Jewel of the Sutras—described four gifts that we give our students, so that they do come back for their practice.
Two people walk into their first yoga class. One of them leaves with the most exhilarating experience of their life. The other leaves with a sore neck, and never comes back. Why the difference? Our entire being is like the layers of an onion. The outermost layer is the gross physical body. The next layer down is what feeds this layer, the breath being our most important “food.” This breath layer is linked to a layer of subtle physical energy—the prana, or inner winds.