In this fourth course of the ACI In-Depth Course Series, we will dive deeply into the study of emptiness and learn the art of interpreting what the Buddha really meant. This is one of the most beautiful subjects, and incidentally the most difficult, of the entire Geshe study program. This teaching was given by Geshe Thubten Rinchen, who Geshe Michael considers to be the greatest living scripture teacher in India. He agreed in 1998 to give a few lectures on it to Geshe Michael and 15 of his ACI students which turned out to be these 26 classes.
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Geshe Thubten Rinchen
Hi, welcome back to the Lam Rim and this is Geshe Michael Roach. The picture you just saw is Master...
Now in our 36th course in study of the Gift of Liberation Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand by...
Geshe Michael Roach à Paris le 24 et 25 juin, 2011 pour de enseignements basés sur un ancien texte tibétain sur la quête du bonheur.
Le monde change ! C’est une réalité pour la Nature comme pour nos entreprises. Nous perdons nos repères et pouvons avoir le sentiment de naviguer à vue dans un environnement économique et naturel devenu instable, voire hostile.