Lady Niguma is a woman yogi from India who lived a thousand years ago. She taught a special kind of yoga which removes the stress and trouble of modern working life at the same time that it keeps us young and fit. In this workshop Geshe Michael teaches us the history of Lady Niguma through stories, and gives an in depth presentation of her yoga and how it works. This workshop includes lecture, music, and a guided asana practice.
Lady Niguma is a woman yogi from India who lived a thousand years ago. She taught a special kind of yoga which removes the stress and trouble of modern working life at the same time that it keeps us young and fit. In this workshop Geshe Michael teaches us the history of Lady Niguma through stories, and gives an in depth presentation of her yoga and how it works. This workshop includes lecture, music, and a guided asana practice.
Lady Niguma is a woman yogi from India who lived a thousand years ago. She taught a special kind of yoga which removes the stress and trouble of modern working life at the same time that it keeps us young and fit. In this teacher training at Pure Yoga in Hong Kong, Geshe Michael teaches the history of Lady Niguma through stories, and gives an in depth presentation of her yoga and how it works. This workshop includes lecture, music, and a guided asana practice.
Lady Niguma is a woman yogi from India who lived a thousand years ago. She taught a special kind of yoga which removes the stress and trouble of modern working life at the same time that it keeps us young and fit. In this teacher training at Pure Yoga in Singapore, Geshe Michael teaches us the history of Lady Niguma through stories, and gives an in depth presentation of her yoga and how it works. This workshop includes lecture, music, and a guided asana practice.
Lady Niguma is a woman yogi from India who lived a thousand years ago. She taught a special kind of yoga which removes the stress and trouble of modern working life at the same time that it keeps us young and fit. In this workshop Geshe Michael teaches us the history of Lady Niguma through stories, and gives an in depth presentation of her yoga and how it works. This workshop includes lecture, music, and a guided asana practice.
Lady Niguma is a woman yogi from India who lived a thousand years ago. She taught a special kind of yoga which removes the stress and trouble of modern working life at the same time that it keeps us young and fit.
There is a strong relationship between our ability to love and our inner body of channels, chakras, and prana. Great yogis of ancient times mapped out this inner body, sometimes called the Rainbow Body, and found methods of using it not only for greater health, but for greater knowledge—and for a greater capacity to love.
If they don’t come back, it doesn’t matter what you can teach. As a yoga teacher, we need to spend a lot of time thinking about how to make our class a pleasant, enjoyable, uplifting experience. The goal of having a class is to help the student. We can’t help them if they have an unpleasant experience in our class and don’t come back.